Great Orion Nebula, Maximilian Güttinger

Great Orion Nebula

Great Orion Nebula, Maximilian Güttinger

Great Orion Nebula



Acquisition details



The story behind this picture is a little funny. On the day I took the image, I checked the weather forecast and it was much better 100km south of my location. 
So I hopped in my (electric) car, drove there and started imaging. It's winter here, so I left the heater in the car on. After a couple hours of imaging, the battery of my car had 30% remaining. I packed everything up to get to the next fast charger.
But there was a surprise waiting for me. The charger was dead.
In the end I made it to the next charger with 2% remaining, barely making it up the hill ahead of the charger. Phew.

Nothing to do with the image itself, just wanted to share this story ;)



Great Orion Nebula, Maximilian Güttinger