Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  M 63  ·  NGC 5055  ·  Sunflower Galaxy
M63 - Sunflower galaxy, Luka Poropat

M63 - Sunflower galaxy

M63 - Sunflower galaxy, Luka Poropat

M63 - Sunflower galaxy



Acquisition details



The sunflower galaxy was one of my main goals for this "winter" early year season. 
Its still not perfect due to poor seeing and optical conditions and total lack of integration for the outer "galaxy halo" but its an awe-inspiring object to look at. 
Hopefully the weather improves and I have more galaxies as good as this to shoot.

Shot at BIN2x2 18um pixels  with 1,24"/px resolution
