Leo Triplet, John Leimgruber

Leo Triplet

Leo Triplet, John Leimgruber

Leo Triplet



Acquisition details



Got a little over an hour on this target while down at Assateague National Seashores with SQM-L reading almost 21.00. It suddenly warmed up over freezing and my guiding and FWHM/HFR shot up possibly due to humidity on the guide scope or just poor seeing with warm air off the ocean. I packed up for the night, and my car thermometer dropped down to almost freezing again just a few miles back inland.

Really glad to get some of those distant quasars as well as the faintest hint of the tidal tail above the Hamburger Galaxy (at least I see it in my imagination hahah)...

This is my first image released using a prototype AI Denoise application which I'm currently training. Right now it works on stretched non-linear data with or without stars to remove noise as well as provide a touch of de-convolution to sharpen your image in the final steps of post-processing. The model is based on a Swin Convolutional U-Net architecture and supports 32 bit RGB AstroTIFF format input directly. I hope to train it some more to potentially improve edge star shape and reduce artifacts. With some time I can release the code on github and possibly various denoising/deconvolution models on huggingface for all to use freely. I call it "uberSmooth".

Thanks for looking, and if you have any interest in the AI denoise / deconvolution tool please post in the comments below.



Leo Triplet, John Leimgruber