Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Vela (Vel)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2645  ·  The star 33 Vel  ·  The star a Vel  ·  The star b Vel  ·  The star d Vel  ·  The star e Vel  ·  The star n Vel
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Vela, alexandre delarue
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Vela, alexandre delarue
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Acquisition details



Nouvelle photo grâce aux nuits chiliennes réalisée en collaboration avec Patrick Delay, grâce à la petite lunette (71mm/348mm) observatoire SADR au Chili ( [url=https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sadr.fr%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2SwKx1ROPgudMGt3Yf71yQTITr3BD7-VDXfGAwHdR9vfk1yIz2A5LaVtA_aem_Adm20IfajcI0JgWtx3TwRfbz9TMkXGSiSgYQthq6dPN84U9L5LXD46-YUBvhgvhtRVFb8_YkPPmrkBwn38-61Xmf&h=AT0J6Tvtv8iPADBL3bfL6Hz6MFZVmgaRxWjxc40S5oiQCRFCXSp3dvqz6rvwntsjsfb84Ic__1dMnoSLFG9d84mIBnna6ReD_jQ1E-VnAdHqzlIEqI1Yi1x9FXjEj45w7V-4wuuaD5VD4wSCIZ-6&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0X0V44itFevJqJ5YLkjcY3a5Mkz_hl1Z4u3eFHQVwqHeQf3MVPlzAJjLwAQy9P1ltRAPBxAz5G5gq420p-TMFUekfZ8TjxUKJdHCwu0c3ye9x3k2dHUj1vC4trw6mdYKmarYpd9R9iOgeWylQi2m9CI66I8rj88AxBhgCiD-qaEouqM0wo]https://www.sadr.fr/[/url] )
Il s'agit de Vela (XYZ) en version HOO, ou SNR G263.9-03.3, est un remarquable rémanent de supernova situé dans la constellation de Vela, dans l'hémisphère sud céleste. Ce rémanent est le vestige éclatant d'une explosion stellaire cataclysmique survenue il y a environ 5 à 10 000 ans. Caractérisé par ses structures filamenteuses et ses nuances de couleur.
Temps Total 37H50
Mosaïque 6 panneaux 
6 panneaux en H
6 panneaux en O
Prétraitement, traitement PixiSinght, Assemblage mosaïque APP, Photoshop.

New photo thanks to the Chilean nights taken in collaboration with Patrick Delay, thanks to the small telescope (71mm/348mm) SADR observatory in Chile (https://www.sadr.fr/)
This is Vela (XYZ) in HOO version, or SNR G263.9-03.3, is a remarkable supernova remnant located in the constellation of Vela, in the southern celestial hemisphere. This remnant is the glowing remnant of a cataclysmic stellar explosion that occurred approximately 5 to 10,000 years ago. Characterized by its filamentous structures and color nuances.
Total Time 37H50

6-panel mosaic
6 H-shaped panels
6 O-panels
Preprocessing, PixiSinght processing, APP mosaic assembly, Photoshop.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Vela, alexandre delarue