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NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face/Lion PN - SHO, Mike Mulcahy

NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face/Lion PN - SHO

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NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face/Lion PN - SHO, Mike Mulcahy

NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face/Lion PN - SHO



Acquisition details



Take you pick on the name.  I really can't see any of them in the image.  This little devil is only .8 arc minutes in size.  I questioned the protruding "extra" ring to the right but it showed up in other images and planetary nebulae don't seem to follow any symmetry rules.  It was taken at .45 as-pix and drizzled to 2X under a near full moon and Bortle 6 skies.   A very interesting object.



NGC 2392 Eskimo/Clown Face/Lion PN - SHO, Mike Mulcahy

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