Pleiades M45, NebulaInBloom
Pleiades M45, NebulaInBloom



Acquisition details



Pleiades (M45)
The Seven Sisters is a winter target that's fascinated me since I started this hobby earlier this year... Well last night I caught it! and it's more stunning capturing and fixing it myself than I ever thought it was going to be!

The Seven Sisters are in the Taurus Constellation the name derives from Greek Legend of the Seven Daughters of the Titan god Atlas and the ocean nymph Pleione. Pleiades is an open star cluster, basically a group of stars all born around the same time from a massive cloud of gas and dust. They are incredibly bright with a "Short Life Span" of a few hundred million years. 

Type: Open Star Cluster.
Distance: 444 Light Years
Age: 75-150Million years 

Exif Data:
40x 180second Light Frames
20x 180second Dark Frames
100x Bias Frames
20x Flat Frames
20x Dark Flat Frames 

Total Image Data(No Callibration Frames):
Best 90% of 2 Hours. 

Combined Total integration: 
2 Hours 48 Minutes and 1.2 Seconds.



Pleiades M45, NebulaInBloom