NEW DISCOVERY - the Eye of Odin, Sven Eklund

NEW DISCOVERY - the Eye of Odin

NEW DISCOVERY - the Eye of Odin, Sven Eklund

NEW DISCOVERY - the Eye of Odin



Acquisition details



NEW DISCOVERY – the Eye of Odin

While imaging Fe 7 in Cassiopeia in Hα, I found this remarkable structure near the edge of the FOV after only a few hours at f/2. Faint, yes, but surely it had to be known?

Ha w/wo stars

I found nothing in HASH database and a faint CSPN showed itself in PanSTARRS DR1!
Encouraged, I pushed on with Oiii and found an even larger outer shell, with a sharper edge to the south-west giving the impression of movement. Its outer diameter is about 8 arcminutes.

Size comparasion Oiii - Ha

This potential PN has some remarkable depth, especially visible in the starless HOO image. The beautiful structure might resemble a marble, but to me it is a bit too dramatic to just be called "Marbles". As it also resembles an eyeball, I finally decided to name it the Eye of Odin, in honor of our Norse God Odin and the scary fate of his eye.
The discovery was submitted to @Pascal Le Dû and is now entered as "Ek 5" in the Eklund catalog in the Planetary Nebula Database.


All exposures are unguided 120s at f/2 and binned 1x1. A dynamic combination of Ha and Oiii was used, introducing less red than a normal HOO-palette does. Image is drizzled and cropped.

Ra:   00:53:54.86
Dec: 70:45:39.55

19h Ha
24h Oiii

Even though all captures and all the processing is mine, I must acknowledge my good friend and mentor @Peter Goodhew for his continuing support and advice. I do not always do what he suggest, but I always appreciate his advice.
