NGC 3579 - Statue of liberty, Jair Rillo

NGC 3579 - Statue of liberty

NGC 3579 - Statue of liberty, Jair Rillo

NGC 3579 - Statue of liberty



Acquisition details



🔭🌟 NGC 3579 gets its name from its intriguing resemblance to the iconic Statue of Liberty. The dark and bright structures of this nebula resemble the forms of the famous statue, sculpted by the intense radiation and stellar winds from the young and massive stars within it.🌌💫 Emission nebulae, like NGC 3579, are stellar nurseries where new stars are being born. The ionized gases glow intensely, creating true cosmic works of art. The combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements becomes a palette of vibrant colors that we can admire through telescopes.

  • Skywatcher 130/650 modified (primary mirror closer to second mirror to get focus on DSLR)
  • Bressier Exos-2 with Onstep
  • Canon T5 stock with SVBony CLS filter
  • 60s subframes with a total of 6.4 hours of exposure plus Dark, Bias, and Flat frames
  • Software: NINA, Siril, GraXpert, and GIMP



NGC 3579 - Statue of liberty, Jair Rillo