Exploring Deep Space: My Photographic Journey in the Tarantula Nebula!, Anderson Makecio

Exploring Deep Space: My Photographic Journey in the Tarantula Nebula!

Exploring Deep Space: My Photographic Journey in the Tarantula Nebula!, Anderson Makecio

Exploring Deep Space: My Photographic Journey in the Tarantula Nebula!



Acquisition details



  • Armed with my Skywatcher 150mm Star Discovery AZ Go To telescope and Canon T5i, I captured 110 frames of 20 seconds each, unveiling the vibrant beauty of the Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070). Situated in the Large Magellanic Cloud, this stellar region is a cosmic spectacle of colors and shapes, where new stars are born in a celestial ballet. I invite you to join me on this journey through the wonders of the universe! 🌟✨

  • Com meu telescópio Skywatcher 150mm Star Discovery AZ Go To e minha Canon T5i, capturei 110 frames de 20 segundos, revelando a beleza vibrante da Nebulosa Tarântula (NGC 2070). Situada na Grande Nuvem de Magalhães, essa região estelar é um espetáculo cósmico de cores e formas, onde novas estrelas nascem em um balé celestial. Convido vocês a se unirem a mim nesta jornada através das maravilhas do universo!



Exploring Deep Space: My Photographic Journey in the Tarantula Nebula!, Anderson Makecio