Contains:  Solar system body or event
2022 Perseids under full moon, Tommi R

2022 Perseids under full moon

2022 Perseids under full moon, Tommi R

2022 Perseids under full moon



Acquisition details



This year there was the full moon which made me think if I even would like to go imaging. But after several weeks of bad weather (bad weather for a solar imager anyways) I decided that I make a lot of coffee take some snacks and drive from the Finnish capital area towards east to Emäsalo area cloe to Porvoo. Its never dark in Finland during the Perseids and this year there was huge amount of light due to the moon (the moon is just out of the frame in the right upper corner). 

A lot of persons were at the same area (Some camping some with cameras) so I decided to walk into the very edge of the southern shore in the area. Luckily there was only one person camping close by. His bike can be seen in the foreground. We talked a bit about biking etc and I put my gear on time lapse, took out my visual binoviewer setup and watch the moon rise. Later I observed also Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Finally in the morning I think I saw Venus when I arrived back in our parking lot. I am also trying to find the cyclist whose bike is in the image as it would be nice to share the photo to him too - he slept under this view.

Images with Perseids were taken between 23:03 and 01:56 in Finnish time. Total of 1505 frames with only about 20 of them included Perseids. Sony A7iii, Samyang 12 mm f/2.8 Fish eye at f/2.8 focused to infinity. Iso 1600, 6 sec exposures. No stacking for stars, no calibration frames, no tracking. I cleaned a lot of satellites and some sporadic meteors away. I did not align the images to the radiant as when I started to do that I noticed that some of the best meteors would be out side the frame. So here we go, Perseids 2022 between 12th and 13th Aug under full moon in the Finnish sea shore night which is still quite far away from the dark.



2022 Perseids under full moon, Tommi R

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Meteor showers