The Baby Eagle Nebula, Dan Mintz

The Baby Eagle Nebula

The Baby Eagle Nebula, Dan Mintz

The Baby Eagle Nebula



Acquisition details



Currently, from the Northern hemisphere, you can find this beautiful, dusty, VERY FAINT reflection nebula rising about 5º southwest of Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. Located approximately 400 light-years from Earth, it’s quite close on the cosmic scale, and is part of the much larger Taurus Molecular Cloud. If you look closely you can see a small, distant galaxy to the left of a pair of stars, just below the eagle’s beak!

19.6 hours total integration from Bortle 5

- Luminance: 252 x 180” at gain 75 and -10°C
- Red: 49 x 180” at gain 75 and -10°C
- Green: 48 x 180” at gain 75 and -10°C
- Blue: 43 x 180” at gain 75 and -10°C

Stacked and processed in PixInsight and Photoshop



The Baby Eagle Nebula, Dan Mintz