Contains:  Extremely wide field
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The Milky Way using mirrorless on fixed tripod, Massimo Marchini

The Milky Way using mirrorless on fixed tripod

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The Milky Way using mirrorless on fixed tripod, Massimo Marchini

The Milky Way using mirrorless on fixed tripod

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The Milky Way, our galaxy, shows us its brighter side (in the direction of the galaxy’s core) in summer. Despite its brightness, we rarely can see it very well. Light pollution canceled a lot of sky and Milky Way too.So, we have to go out of our cities to have a different look at the Universe.Photographing the Milky Way can be also frustrating. Often it results in a faint white trail.So, under a dark sky, I tried, pointing my mirrorless to the zenith on a fixed tripod.The result is a very wide field showing our galaxy from constellation Aquila to constellation Cassiopeia.The annotated picture shows the constellations, the principal stars, and some Messier objects included in this field. Another picture, showing NGC and IC catalog objects is unreadable. It’s a very interesting area for deep sky and wide-field astrophotographers.The picture was taken during the “Vacanze astronomiche (Astronomical holiday)” of Accademia delle Stelle – Roma in Rocca di Mezzo (L’Aquila-Abruzzo-Italy).
