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Sh2 291 RGB HA Neighbor (G220.g-02-5) With The Help of Aladin, Jerry Yesavage

Sh2 291 RGB HA Neighbor (G220.g-02-5) With The Help of Aladin

Sh2 291 RGB HA Neighbor (G220.g-02-5) With The Help of Aladin, Jerry Yesavage

Sh2 291 RGB HA Neighbor (G220.g-02-5) With The Help of Aladin


An interesting un-named object in my Sh2 291 field led Gary to suggest this software. Well, now it is named.

The basic procedure is to plate solve and embed the location information (WCS) information in a FITS file (Via

Then read into the Java-based free (French) software and enable the SIMBAD database.

Looking at the Table at the bottom you see the H-II area, Voila.

How to sheet

Thanks Gary.



Sh2 291 RGB HA Neighbor (G220.g-02-5) With The Help of Aladin, Jerry Yesavage

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