North America and Pelican Mosaic, Pb

North America and Pelican Mosaic

North America and Pelican Mosaic, Pb

North America and Pelican Mosaic



Acquisition details



My first ever attempt at a mosaic image - a 2 x 3 panel mosaic of the North America/Pelican ionised gas region. Collected in three nights in Ha and OIII. Mosaic assembled in PixInsight using the MosaicByCoordinates/Photometric Mosaic scripts in PixInsight.

Colours combined using PixelMath[s] as R = Ha, G = 0.4 * Ha + 0.6 * OIII, B = OIII to bring some golden colour to the Ha regions.

Both StarXTerminator and NoiseXTerminator processes used.

Image tweaked, stars combined using the Entering Into Space YouTube channel technique to highlight some stars and deemphasise the majority.



North America and Pelican Mosaic, Pb