Contains:  Solar system body or event
Asteroid 3030 Vehrenberg 05.12.2007 / 10:08 UT / 10:30 UT / 11:16 UT, Frank Brandl

Asteroid 3030 Vehrenberg 05.12.2007 / 10:08 UT / 10:30 UT / 11:16 UT

Asteroid 3030 Vehrenberg 05.12.2007 / 10:08 UT / 10:30 UT / 11:16 UT, Frank Brandl

Asteroid 3030 Vehrenberg 05.12.2007 / 10:08 UT / 10:30 UT / 11:16 UT



Acquisition details



I have created a little GIF-animation, showing the path of asteroid 3030 Vehrenberg in a time period of a little more than one hour. The asteroids brightness was about 18.1 mag. Three images (each 240s integration time) were remotely taken using GRAS-005 of Global Rent a Scope (Takahashi Epsilon 250, SBIG ST-10XME). Only dark subtraction was applied.
