Another updated Orion Nebula, Andreas Moschos

Another updated Orion Nebula

Another updated Orion Nebula, Andreas Moschos

Another updated Orion Nebula



Acquisition details



Another take on the Great Nebula in Orion M42 and The Running Man Nebula NGC 1977.

After moving to Athens my gear is absolutely useless due to the light pollution, putting a stop to my astrojurnay so far. After a short trip to my hometown, i couldn't lose this opportunity to capture another picture of this infamous region, with a pitch of nostalgia and a bag full of determination, to make the most out of this small window, and live again the thrill of a night of astrophotography.

It might be full of imperfections, with only 2 hours of exposure, but to me, this is the most beautiful image of the Orion Nebula.



Another updated Orion Nebula, Andreas Moschos