These are the users that follow Andreas_W mutually.
BobGillette Robert Gillette 76269238
EddyCochez Eddy Cochez 420351365
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
astropilch Alan Hancox 205292766
Georges Georges 53312662996
astroteam Günther Eder 5478153233
Big_Dipper Big_Dipper 7313431400
Acehighaj Aaron Hakala 40407409
patrick.cartou patrick cartou 543344310
G400 G400 586586595
Vasile Vasile Unguru 78710584
DarkStar Ruediger 1669861080
Crismone Christophe Monnier 2390215
balasia Almos Balasi 398774790
LorenzoDalMolin Lorenzo Dal Molin 125642
kruegerth Thomas 56123186
robonrome robonrome 115811782
masluigi masluigi 7111601282
m57ring Alexandr Zaytsev 18311426588
Ahriman Grégory Fabre 3811863019
ajerig Tony Jerig 58156199
kaxmuster Max Kuster 27307339
MuslimAstronomer Hamza Ilyas @Muslimastronomer 48242201
BogdanV Bogdan Vuk 93211192
mjfa031 Manuel José Francisco Agudo 171114195
Seurus Armin Unterwandling 761134362
Florin77 Keller F. 495782285
kvastronomer kvastronomer 465631136
leoncsalcedo Leon C Salcedo 137467274
John.Dziuba John Dziuba 138822898
Taman Taman 63355376
Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin 90344823
AnjaTroost Ava Troost 1878108
Dougfontana Douglas Fontana 10144158
Freed Freed 4967287
Jeremy_Phillips Jeremy Phillips FRAS 48132138
PaleBrownShed David Jenkins 399458
Charly Karl Böckl 75189211
Andrea-Gagliardi Andrea-Gagliardi 07391
neptune2015 F. Londe 58419449
tly001 Tian Tian 32191408
NorskeDude Todd Charlson 35250276
mmmono Miloš Maco 47108101
FriskoFlash Samuel Kohler 30111129
TKubach Timo Kubach 44427734
NSSq8 NSSq8 811660
Astro_Kev_NRW Kevin Dahmke 255983
birelian Guiem Kimi 232724