These are the users that follow Shane mutually.
MBustamante Máximo Bustamante 214139164
grsotnas Gabriel R. Santos (grsotnas) 2801107742
m-nouroozi Mohammad Nouroozi 106712137
astroMario Mario Richter 476286455
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
Deep_Sky Daniel Nobre 25715033520
David_M David 130334245 vikas chander 66453449
Thechosennone Obi-Wan Kenewbie 43123107
Snjór Sigga 221558185
LukaszZak77@@@ Łukasz Żak 5441183104
NeedMoreCoffee NeedMoreCoffee 6394114
Jefferyball Jeff Ball 203235168
joey_wishart Joey Wishart 223
mapachetide Tyler Curtis 1058
alexandros_chalooupka ALEXANDROS CHALOOUPKA 291510