Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  42 Per  ·  46 Per)  ·  California Nebula  ·  NGC 1499  ·  The star 49 Per  ·  The star 50 Per  ·  The star Menkib (ξ Per  ·  The star n Per
NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO, Michael Caligiuri
NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO
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NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO

NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO, Michael Caligiuri
NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO
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NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO



Acquisition details



This is a wide-field image of the California nebula in Perseus.  Like many, I've imaged this nebula several times, but this is the first wide field.  I wanted to capture the full extend and give it perspective with a star-filled surround.  This nebula stretches nearly 2.5 degrees.  Hβ  radiation from nearby young energetic O7.5 III giant, Xi Persei excites the surrounding gases. The shape of the ionized gas clouds resembles the state of California. In this image, Xi Persei (aka Menkib) is the very bright white star above and to the right of the OIII cloud.

Imaged through a 135 mm Rokinon Len at f/4 and a ZWO ASI294 camera over 2 nights under excellent conditions.  Guided using an FSQ106 and STi camera. Piggybacked

Color mapped using the Hubble palette with Ha = green; SII =red, and OIII=blue.  Stars are from the Ha layer.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC1499: California Nebula in SHO, Michael Caligiuri