Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Hercules (Her)  ·  Contains:  HD150119  ·  HD150293  ·  HD150430  ·  HD150462  ·  HD150510  ·  HD150566  ·  HD150679  ·  HD150827  ·  HD150998  ·  HD151428  ·  HD151501  ·  Hercules Globular Cluster  ·  IC 4613  ·  IC 4614  ·  IC 4615  ·  IC 4616  ·  IC 4617  ·  M 13  ·  NGC 6194  ·  NGC 6196  ·  NGC 6197  ·  NGC 6205  ·  NGC 6207
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Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews
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Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules

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Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews
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Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules



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I decided to try and reprocess the data but this time use Drizzle and again I cropped the image.  I think this is a better version.  

While waiting for NGC7000 to rise above the trees in my neighborhood I spent some time on M13.  I did run into problems with my ASI2600MCP with exposure failures and I am not sure why that happens.  Anyway this is a cropped version of M13.

Messier 13 (M13), also known as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, is a globular cluster located in Hercules constellation. It is one of the brightest and best known globular clusters in the northern sky. The cluster has an apparent magnitude of 5.8 and lies at a distance of 22,200 light years, or 6,800 parsecs, from Earth. Its designation in the New General Catalogue is NGC 6205.

The Hercules Globular Cluster has an estimated age of 11.65 billion years and contains about 300,000 stars. The estimated mass of the cluster is about half a million solar masses.M13 stretches across 20 arc minutes of the sky, which corresponds to a linear diameter of 145 light years. The cluster can be seen without binoculars in exceptionally good viewing conditions, with clear skies and no light pollution.The brightest star in M13 is V11, a red giant classified as a Cepheid variable. V11 has a visual magnitude of 11.95 and lies approximately 25,100 light years from Earth.The Hercules Globular Cluster contains an unusually young, B2-type star, designated Barnard 29. The star does not really belong to the cluster, but was presumably picked up by M13 on its orbit around the Milky Way. Other stars in the cluster are very old and only have about 5 percent of the Sun’s iron content as they were formed before the stars in our galaxy created metals. M13 also contains about 15 blue stragglers, old stars that appear younger and bluer than their neighbours.Messier 13 is a class V globular cluster, one with an intermediate concentration of stars toward the centre. It has a densely packed central region, with up to a hundred stars populating a cube only 3 light years on a side. To illustrate: Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to Earth, is just over 4 light years away. In other words, stars in the cluster’s core region are about 500 times more concentrated than those in our immediate stellar neighbourhood.

The Hercules Globular Cluster was the target of the Arecibo message, a message beamed from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in 1974, which contained information about the human race, Earth’s location and other data. The message was sent from a radio telescope in the direction of M13 as a way of potentially contacting extraterrestrial civilizations. However, the message will never reach its target. It will arrive at the past position of M13 in about 25,000 years, but the cluster will no longer be there at that point.Messier 13 can be easily seen in a small telescope. The cluster is located near NGC 6207, a 12th magnitude galaxy seen edge-on. The galaxy can be seen 28 arc minutes northeast of M13. Another galaxy, IC 4617, lies between the two, to the north-northeast of M13’s centre.Messier 13 lies within the Keystone, a familiar asterism that marks the torso of the celestial Heracles, about one-third of the way from the bright star Vega in Lyra constellation to Arcturus in Boötes.Both these stars are prominent in the spring and summer sky in northern latitudes.The four stars that form the Keystone are Eta, Pi, Epsilon and Zeta Herculis. M13 lies between the stars Eta and Zeta Herculis, about 2.5 degrees south of Eta.To the naked eye, the Hercules Cluster appears as a fuzzy star. Binoculars will reveal a comet-like hazy patch with a clear centre, while 4 to 6-inch telescopes will begin to resolve the stars in the cluster. Instruments with larger apertures will resolve stars across the entire cluster.Messier 13 is best seen from May to September. It is particularly high in the sky in the summer months.
@Information from Messier-Objects.com



  • Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews
  • Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews
  • Final
    Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews


Title: M13 revised

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Messier 13 - Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, Joe Matthews