Contains:  Other
Sagittarius Quartet, Terry Hancock

Sagittarius Quartet

Sagittarius Quartet, Terry Hancock

Sagittarius Quartet


This image is a collaborated effort by Fred Herrmann of Huntsville Alabama captured using a Takahashi FSQ106 refractor with an SBIG ST11000 monochrome CCD camera and Terry Hancock of Fremont, Michigan who captured using a TMB92SS Refractor together with a QHY11 monochrome CCD camera. Both using RGB + H-Alpha filters.

The combined effort totals 14 hours of integration time.

Lying near the heart of our Milky Way galaxy the Lagoon and it rich star field is anything but tranquil. This is a hectic region of star forming activity, which consumes the molecular clouds leaving vast holes of emptiness light-years in size. The radiation from these newly formed hot stars irradiates the remaining molecular material resulting in a red and bluish/green fluorescence.

In addition to the Lagoon (M8) the image also contains the Trifid (M20), and M21 and NGC6559 star clusters.



Sagittarius Quartet, Terry Hancock