Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Horologium (Hor)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1510  ·  NGC 1512
NGC 1512 Galaxy, vikas chander
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NGC 1512 Galaxy, vikas chander
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Acquisition details



NGC1512 is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 38 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Horologium. The galaxy displays a double ring structure, with one ring around the galactic nucleus and another further out in the main disk. The galaxy hosts an extended UV disc with at least 200 clusters with recent star formation activity. NGC1512 is a member of the Dorado Group. Gravitational tidal forces of NGC1512 are influencing nearby dwarf lenticular galaxy NGC 1510 and the two galaxies are separated by only ∼5 arcmin and are in the process of a lengthy merger which has been going on for 400 million years. At the end of this process NGC1512 will have cannibalised its smaller companion.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 1512 Galaxy, vikas chander

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Southern Hemisphere Astro