Monkey Head Nebula from Bucharest - bicolour palette, Mihail

Monkey Head Nebula from Bucharest - bicolour palette

Monkey Head Nebula from Bucharest - bicolour palette, Mihail

Monkey Head Nebula from Bucharest - bicolour palette



Acquisition details



Captured from Bucharest (Bortle 8 skies), this dual-band image features the Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174) in Hydrogen-alpha and double-ionized Oxygen. A third band (S-II) will be captured in the following nights for my first Hubble Palette composition.

Pre-processed using the LVA guide, then combination preparation using MaskedStretch and HistogramTransformation to equalize backgrounds and midpoints. The combination done in PixelMath is:
R=Ha, G=Ha*Oiii*1.5, B=Oiii

Starless version here:

Monkey Head Nebula from Bucharest - bicolour palette - starless
