Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  Andromeda Galaxy  ·  M 110  ·  M 31  ·  M 32  ·  NGC 205  ·  NGC 221  ·  NGC 224  ·  The star 32And  ·  The star νAnd
Andromeda - updated, tophammd
Andromeda - updated
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Andromeda - updated

Andromeda - updated, tophammd
Andromeda - updated
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Andromeda - updated



Acquisition details



Update: I stacked a couple of images and tweaked it to the extent I felt was necessary to improve it. I'm planning to go out again soon and do a new stack, but this edit improves on the original. Thanks to those who enjoyed the original, and welcome to the roller coaster of a newbie.

This is a single exposure I fetched from the camera while doing multiple exposures. Unfortunately it may be the best I can get from the set as things conspired against me last night. 

A small flock of clouds came into view and obscured my target for about 30 minutes. This caused my inadequately aligned mount to shift sufficiently out of alignment that it was glaringly noticeable in some later imaging. After adjusting for that, I ran into issues focusing the lens. Electronic focusing, even in manual mode, is "interesting" on this lens (Fuji 70-300) at Infinity. There seems to be a little slop at that point with slightly different results based on forward or back adjustments.

(Note, this image was edited on the iPhone and the resolution was reduced unintentionally via the overall process.) future updates to this image may be applied with better editing of the original.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Andromeda - updated, tophammd