IC1848 - Soul Nebula, Mark G

IC1848 - Soul Nebula

IC1848 - Soul Nebula, Mark G

IC1848 - Soul Nebula



Acquisition details



After spending the covid lock-down watching Trevor Jones (Astrobackyard) youtube videos and then about six months of trial and error stumbling around in the dark, this is my first meaningful attempt at astrophotography.

The image is comprised of:
200 light frames of 30s on day one, and
180 light frames of 120s subs on day two.

There are no dark/bias/flat frame corrections applied.

The telescope is a Skywatcher 72ED with an OVL field flattener, Altair Triband filter, and Altair 26C camera. I used a gain of 300 for the 30s subs, and 100 for the 120s subs, both with a 400 offset at 0 degrees camera termperature.

The telescope was mounted on a motorized Skywatcher EQ3-2 Pro mount for unguided astrophotography (as I recall, quite a few of the 120s subs were excluded for the final stack, leaving about 5 hrs of stacked data in total).

All data was stacked with Deepsky stacker, and processed with Adobe Photoshop. Credit to Topaz Denoise AI and Starnet V2 which are fantastic.



IC1848 - Soul Nebula, Mark G