Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1590  ·  NGC 281
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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula
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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula

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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula
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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula



Acquisition details



This data was processed with Terry Hancock of www.downunderobservatory.com; a wellspring of experience and know-how.

Well, it's about six months after I captured the data for this image, and I don't know if anyone will ever read this addendum. On the recommendation of our oldest granddaughter (whose dad has a camp in a neighboring town), I ventured 4+ hours north into Maine in search of a solid Bortle 2 night. She has a casual interest in Astronomy and has long said that the stars and Milky Way, etc. are fantastic at the camp. I looked at the Dark Sky map, the road map and satellite view, and it looked like there were some safe off-road areas to shoot at. When I got there, no such luck. The road that looked good was dirt and filled in with brush.  Fortunately, I made it through and kept driving north on the secondary highway - saw a town sign that read, "Population: 51." I finally found a dirt road that had what looked like a logging facility on it ... drove up that and noticed a (real) dirt road on the right.  Why not?  It was on the map; so, onto that dirt road I went, and went and went - up and up a hill until my navigation didn't recognize where I was. BUT, there was an opening and the Sun was soon setting. I can't remember ever being so intimidated being in the middle of nowhere ....  Would I encounter bears?  Wolves or Moose?  Would I be attacked by Sasquatch?  Long story / short, the Bortle 2 sky was slightly darker than my safe dark site and I was able to shoot until dawn.  Then, I figured if I just kept going down the hill, eventually the "road" would lead back to the bigger dirt road.  It did and I headed home.  Moral of this story?  I'll stick to my safe(r) Bortle 3 site from now on ....

If any of this sounds familiar, drop a comment.



  • NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, Jay Hovnanian
  • Final
    NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, Jay Hovnanian


Description: Well, the Moon is full, so I reprocessed. I usually don't go for such a dark background, but did utilize RC BLX and NoiseX for a more defined and less noisy result.

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Sky plot


NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, Jay Hovnanian