Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  7 Sgr  ·  9 Sgr  ·  B296  ·  B302  ·  B88  ·  B89  ·  HD164031  ·  HD164105  ·  HD164146  ·  HD164147  ·  HD164194  ·  HD164226  ·  HD164266  ·  HD164385  ·  HD164386  ·  HD164453  ·  HD164536  ·  HD164865  ·  HD164906  ·  HD164933  ·  HD165015  ·  HD165016  ·  HD165052  ·  HD165132  ·  HD165246  ·  HD165321  ·  HD165345  ·  HD165517  ·  HD315031  ·  HD315033  ·  And 17 more.
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The Lagoon Nebula (M 8), ov_astro
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The Lagoon Nebula (M 8)

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The Lagoon Nebula (M 8), ov_astro
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The Lagoon Nebula (M 8)



Acquisition details



The Lagoon Nebula (M 8)To me, this is the Orion Nebula of the summer. It may be my last capture for the next month or so. It will all depend on how active the monsoon is in southern AZ.  I captured this over about 5 days at the end of June and beginning of July, and I kept 17:30 hours to integrate. This was rendered in a foraxx palette. Enjoy!Mount: iOptron CEM 70 NUCScope: Explore Scientific ED 127 FCD 100Flattener: Starizona Apex ED 0.65x (f 4.875 at 619 mm FL)Guidescope: Astromania 60 mmCamera: ZWO ASI 2600 MM ProGuide camera: ZWO ASI 120 MM miniFocuser: ZWO EAFFilters: Antlia 3nm Ha, OIII, SIIExposure: 0c, gain 100, bin 1Ha 87 x 300sSII 65 x 60sOIII 58 x 120s Processed in Pixinsight, captured with NINA, guiding with PHD 2. I used BlurXterminator, NoiseXterminator, and StarXterminator during processing.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Lagoon Nebula (M 8), ov_astro