Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars captured at Schulman Telescope, Mt Lemmon 11/28/2022, Ryder Cobean

Mars captured at Schulman Telescope, Mt Lemmon 11/28/2022



Acquisition details



Captured at Mt Lemmon Sky Center using ASI183MC.

Access to professional telescope, amateur work with guidance by professional. Focusing, atmospheric dispersion corrector adjustment, and capture by me. Postprocessing by me.

Auto Exp Max Exp = 30000ms
Auto Exp Max Gain = 225
Auto Exp Target Brightness = 100
Bin = 1
Brightness = 8
Capture Area Size = 352 * 318
Capture Limit = 120s
Colour Format = RAW8
Debayer Preview = ON
Debayer Type = RGGB
EndCapture = 2022-11-28T22:49:40.240Z
Exposure = 5.8ms
Flip = None
FrameCount = 20342
Gain = 80
Hardware Bin = OFF
High Speed Mode = OFF
Mono Bin = OFF
Output Format = *.AVI
Raw Format = ON
StartCapture = 2022-11-28T22:47:40.232Z
StartX = 2563
StartY = 1676
Temperature = 10.8 C
TimeZone = -7
Timestamp Frames = OFF
USB Limit = 100
USB Port = 3.0
White Balance (B) = 95
White Balance (R) = 52



Mars captured at Schulman Telescope, Mt Lemmon 11/28/2022, Ryder Cobean