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SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki
SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki

SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless)

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SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki
SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki

SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless)



Acquisition details



I spent many a night imaging this faint nebula, but only ended up with ~14 hours of integration time: I never really got the SBIG-16803 to play nicely with my relatively short FL refractor. The under sampling, however, did result in some remarkable sensitivity: I love how much faint detail you can see in this image, hence why I chose by default to exclude stars. The first revision of this image includes a bit of RGB stars that was obtained with my Redcat 51 on an iOptron GEM45 and an SXCCD H814.



  • Final
    SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki
  • SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki


Title: With Redcat RGB stars

Description: And yes, the huge square SBIG16803 sensor doesn't play well with the rectangular SXCCD Pro-814 chip behind the Redcat. But whatever :)

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SH2-114 Flying Dragon Nebula (starless), David Koslicki

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