Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6357  ·  the War and Peace Nebula
The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357, Wes Smith
The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357
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The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357

The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357, Wes Smith
The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357
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The War and Peace Nebula NGC6357



Acquisition details



With this Nebula at 82º above the horizon it was a prime target .At the time my old Celestron CGEM Mount refused to guild within 15 degrees  of the Zenith from the East so i had a few late week nights waiting for this celestial wonder to venture into the western sky. Once there I set the mount and when to bed. It will be good to build an observatory ! ( i may of fixed the error last night but that is another story ) NGC 6357 AKA the Lobster I can see however with no ability to see in the infrared I have not eyeballed the Dove and skull /War and Peace for which this nebula is also known by .I note no top picks or nominations with this FOV other than Narrow band images   .It gives one pause but no ! Approximately 10K AUD to go down that route so duel narrow band filters and synthetic Hubble will have to do for now. Awe and wonder folks.
