Contains:  Solar system body or event
Venus at 1 percent, Ernie Mastroianni

Venus at 1 percent



Acquisition details



Venus at about 1 percent illuminated, just 8.5 degrees from the sun, taken from a Milwaukee back yard. Polar aligned by dialing in the RA and Dec of the sun, then using a solar filter, centering the sun by rotating the tripod azimuth and adjusting the wedge in altitude. Once I had decent alignment, I dialed in the RA and Dec of Venus, then removed the solar filter and added this long black tube of heavy paper to block any solar glare from the optics. Venus was clearly visible in my 54x field of view with an eyepiece parfocal to the camera in the axial port. The final image was from 100 frames out of 500. Seeing was very poor in the high noon heat.



Venus at 1 percent, Ernie Mastroianni