Contains:  Solar system body or event
A waxing gibbous Moon in the neighborhood of Tycho., SouthWestAstro

A waxing gibbous Moon in the neighborhood of Tycho.

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
A waxing gibbous Moon in the neighborhood of Tycho., SouthWestAstro

A waxing gibbous Moon in the neighborhood of Tycho.

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



I've yet to make a Moon image that's as good as what I see directly with my telescopes. But I keep trying.

This was taken (06/02/2023) with a Celestron C8 SCT and ASI462MC camera. Orion Variable Polarizing filter. The best 50% of the frames from a 2 min video shot at 64 fps.



A waxing gibbous Moon in the neighborhood of Tycho., SouthWestAstro