Contains:  Solar system body or event
Lunar Eclipse @ 1200mm, jewzaam

Lunar Eclipse @ 1200mm

Lunar Eclipse @ 1200mm, jewzaam

Lunar Eclipse @ 1200mm



Acquisition details



I didn't move my main rig (Esprit 120ED + EQ6-R Pro) because there was a forecast of clouds and rain. Clouds happened but they cleared after a bit, leaving the main event visible. Rain never showed. I don't regret not moving the rig though, it's fun to try new things and break out older gear.

A single 0.1s exposure on the 8" dob with an ASI533MC Pro. The apparent FOV is a bit too tight. But it is the only OSC that I have that could reach focus. The DSLR.. not a chance! Given it is a dob I tried to frame off center and hope that the moon would wander into the middle of the frame, taking exposures as it went. I got a few candidate images from that setup but this is the one I liked most.



Lunar Eclipse @ 1200mm, jewzaam