Contains:  Solar system body or event
Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu
Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu

Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu
Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu

Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Here's a view of the Proclus crater as seen during sunrise compared to a view seen under high illumination (mouse over). I find it absolutely interesting how specific details become visible only under certain illumination, at the same time this may be valid for other craters that have a ray system as well, like Tycho. Below are some key facts that I've learned about Proclus and wanted to share with you.

- general: a relatively small, young (estimated to be about 100 million years old) crater located on the eastern part of the Moon in the Mare Crisium basin

- size and shape: the crater has a diameter of about 28 kilometers with steep walls that rise up to 2.5 kilometers above the surrounding surface. Despite its small size, it is one of the most prominent and easily visible craters on the Moon.

- ray system: has a prominent ray system that spans over 100 kilometers from the crater. These bright rays are composed of ejected material from the impact that created the crater and can be seen stretching across the surrounding terrain.

- impact: the Proclus crater was formed by a high-speed low-angle impact by and asteroid/comet that hit the Moon, that was about 2 kilometers in diameter, and it struck the lunar surface at a high velocity.

Date of images:
Proclus at sunrise: 05 Apr 2022, 17:41 UT
Proclus at high illumination: 15 Apr 2022, 19:44 UT



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    Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu
  • Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu


Title: Proclus - High/Flat Illumination

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Proclus Crater - A Day and Night Comparison, Andrei Dumitriu