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Arp 188 or UGC 10214, Randall Schleier

Arp 188 or UGC 10214

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Arp 188 or UGC 10214, Randall Schleier

Arp 188 or UGC 10214



Acquisition details



Three partial nights on Arp 188. Listed by Halton Arp under galaxies with narrow filaments. This looks like the result of a galaxy collision with the long stream of stars, gas and dust extending far away. LRGB.

Seeing was only really good on one of the nights. I also had high clouds roll in off thunderstorms from west Texas on two of the nights. This is another small target that would benefit a lot from better seeing conditions and more data.

Cropped center area so this probably won't plate solve. RA 16h 6m 6s, Dec 55d 25m 37s




Arp 188 or UGC 10214, Randall Schleier