M42 - The Orion Nebula + Running Man, Florian @ ClearSkyMarket

M42 - The Orion Nebula + Running Man

M42 - The Orion Nebula + Running Man, Florian @ ClearSkyMarket

M42 - The Orion Nebula + Running Man



Acquisition details



I finally got around imaging M42. The winter weather is most of the time pretty bad and cloudy here in Hamburg, Germany. But last weekend I had two good nights in a row, which was very surprising.

It was a little challenging since the temperature dropped to -10 degrees at midnight. But it was definitely worth it, Orion is such an amazing target.

In two nights I only got just over 3 hours of exposure time. Additionally it was pretty low on the horizon (about 30 degrees) and from where I capture are a lot of trees in the south, so I only had a small timeframe where I could image. Hope you like it!

Also I am currently in the process of creating a marketplace specifically for astronomy gear. So if you are interested in this and have something to sell, please check it out at:




M42 - The Orion Nebula + Running Man, Florian @ ClearSkyMarket