Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  34 Cyg)  ·  34 P Cyg  ·  37 Cyg)  ·  37 gam Cyg  ·  40 Cyg  ·  B342  ·  B343  ·  B344  ·  B346  ·  B347  ·  B348  ·  Crescent Nebula  ·  Cygnus  ·  IC 1311  ·  LBN 193  ·  LBN 203  ·  LBN 205  ·  LBN 206  ·  LBN 208  ·  LBN 209  ·  LBN 212  ·  LBN 214  ·  LBN 215  ·  LBN 216  ·  LBN 222  ·  LBN 223  ·  LBN 224  ·  LBN 227  ·  LBN 233  ·  LBN 234  ·  And 107 more.
Sadr region at 135mm, Emil Andronic
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Sadr region at 135mm, Emil Andronic
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Acquisition details



I had the Samyang 135mm lens for quite a while and I wanted to put it on my mono cameras since I got them but only now I managed to do it and last night was my first test with it.
I used it fully opened at f2 so I can gather the data much faster. This is the result.
I think he flats need improving a bit but overall I'm quite impressed.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sadr region at 135mm, Emil Andronic