Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  Andromeda Galaxy  ·  HD3969  ·  M 31  ·  M 32  ·  NGC 221  ·  NGC 224
A Sixty-Five Minute Window Of Opportunity, Anthony Fuller
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A Sixty-Five Minute Window Of Opportunity

A Sixty-Five Minute Window Of Opportunity, Anthony Fuller
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A Sixty-Five Minute Window Of Opportunity



Acquisition details



I have never cared for the term used on Cloudy Nights, “Sucker-hole”, breaks in the clouds that astrophotographer’s look for to capture images. I like to think of them as moments of opportunity for those who wait patiently!

This was one of those opportunities, where I used sub-frames to capture a 65-mininute exposure of Messier 31 on 09/11/2021. During that time, the evening was warm and clouds were rolling in strong! Unfortunately there wasn't time to capture a full image of M31, but to me it was worth the time and effort! 

The Andromeda Galaxy’s image was captured using the Explore Scientific ED 165mm APO refractor at F7, using an ASI2600mc Pro CMOS color camera; with a temperature of -15 Celsius. An Optolong L-Pro filter was used to reduce the light pollution. Present in the image as well is NGC 221 also designated Messier 32, a dwart satellite galaxy.
