Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1848  ·  IC 1871
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2 Nights of Soul, Tony Brown
2 Nights of Soul
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2 Nights of Soul, Tony Brown
2 Nights of Soul
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Acquisition details



Captured over 2 nights at the end of September there is a total of around 9 hours exposure.

After pre-processing in Siril:-
Rotate 180 - Lion upside down!
Background Gradient
Colour Calibration Photometry
Deconvolution (1.0)
asinh Stretch - minimal (30,30,5)
Histogram StretchNow create Starless and a star mask using Starnet++ after a bit of file conversion to TIFF.  
Once we have a TIFF (16 bit version) of Starless move into PS.PS Processing:
Raw - Highlights and Contrast
Raw - Texture
Raw - Clarity
Raw - Noise Reduction
Raw - Saturation and Vibrancy and Shadow
Create FIT version of TIFF file output from PS
Modified the stars.tiff in PS - using Scripts to reduce star size, similarly used Curves to reduce the apparent brightness
Once back from PS then Pixel Math Add the Stars back into the FIT version of the PS processed TIFF file


Sky plot

Sky plot


2 Nights of Soul, Tony Brown