Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Aquila (Aql)  ·  Contains:  38 mu. Aql  ·  44 sig Aql  ·  46 Aql  ·  47 chi Aql  ·  48 psi Aql  ·  49 ups Aql  ·  50 gam Aql  ·  52 pi. Aql  ·  53 alf Aql  ·  54 omi Aql  ·  59 ksi Aql  ·  60 bet Aql  ·  61 phi Aql  ·  Alshain  ·  Altair  ·  Aquila  ·  NGC 6803  ·  NGC 6804  ·  NGC 6807  ·  NGC 6837  ·  NGC 6840  ·  NGC 6843  ·  Part of the constellation Aquila (Aql)  ·  QS Aql  ·  Tarazed  ·  The star Alshain (βAql)  ·  The star Altair (αAql)  ·  The star Tarazed (γAql)  ·  The star μAql  ·  The star ξAql  ·  And 5 more.
E-Nebula / Altair widefield, Siegfried
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E-Nebula / Altair widefield

E-Nebula / Altair widefield, Siegfried
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E-Nebula / Altair widefield



Acquisition details



Barnard 142 and 143 @ Constellation Aquila near Altair

19 frames / 4minutes ISO400 mFT 75/1.8 @ F/3.2


Sky plot

Sky plot


E-Nebula / Altair widefield, Siegfried