Contains:  Solar system body or event
Uranus 15 August 2016, John Sussenbach

Uranus 15 August 2016



Acquisition details



Uranus is rising in my place now to altitude 45º. This night the seeing conditions were fair. I collected four sets of 2350 frames (2 min each)and stacked 90% of the frames of each avi. I processed and combined the stacks and obtained the final image with an average time stamp of 02: 31.6 UT. Interestingly, the final stack consisting of a total of about 8400 frames shows a brighter Northern hemisphere, two dark bands at +30º, a brighter zone at 0º followed by a darker band at latitude -15º and finally a brighter most southern region.

Interestingly the image contained a brighter spot with the coordinates longitude 241.9º, latitude + 56.7º . Since the original images are a bit grainy I always consider the possibility that this is just accumulated noise. Therefore, I analysed the four independent stacks and noted that in three out of the four stacks the brighter spot was present at the mentioned position (see iimage) This is promising, but I am still cautious and am very curious whether other amateurs or professionals have imaged Uranus at the same time as I did or close to it.



Uranus 15 August 2016, John Sussenbach