Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)
Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga., flyingairedale
Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga.
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Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga.

Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga., flyingairedale
Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga.
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Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga.



Acquisition details



Sh2-231 is a bright emission nebula in Auriga. The large circle of dimmer nebulosity in the center of the image is Sh2-232 and the bright knot of nebulosity below and right of center is Sh-231. These objects are not very far in the sky from brighter neighbors like the Flaming Star Nebula and the Tadpoles.

Hydrogen Alpha was added to the red channel of RGB to reveal the dim nebulosity of Sh2-232.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sharpless 2-231 and 232 in Auriga., flyingairedale