Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Mensa (Men)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1787  ·  NGC 2052  ·  Part of the constellation Dorado (Dor)  ·  The constellation Mensa (Men)  ·  The star αMen  ·  The star βDor  ·  The star γHyi  ·  The star γMen  ·  The star δDor  ·  The star εDor  ·  The star η2Dor  ·  The star ηRet  ·  The star θDor  ·  The star νDor
LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl
LMC and Galactic Cirrus
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LMC and Galactic Cirrus

LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl
LMC and Galactic Cirrus
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LMC and Galactic Cirrus



Acquisition details



This is a deep image of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) revealing the extended halo of the galaxy, and some galactic cirrus (IFN) in the foreground. 

I didn't expect to capture much of the very faint galactic cirrus, but it showed through surprisingly easily!

This was just a test of my new Macro Lens (Venus Optics Laowa 100mm F/2.8 ). It performs shockingly well for astrophotography with very little chromatic aberration, vignetting, or distortion. This was shot with the Lens at F/4.0. Shout out to Venus optics for making a lens that can easily imagine the eye of a spider and a distant galaxy!

Taken over one night at the Astronomical Society of Victoria's Leon Mow Dark Sky Site (Bortle 2).

Thanks, Rick for letting me borrow your Star Adventurer!



  • LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl
  • LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl
  • Final
    LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl

Sky plot

Sky plot


LMC and Galactic Cirrus, Stefan Nebl