M51 with Astro-Physics 110GTX 8 x 30 Second EAA, RobWashDCAstro

M51 with Astro-Physics 110GTX 8 x 30 Second EAA

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)
M51 with Astro-Physics 110GTX 8 x 30 Second EAA, RobWashDCAstro

M51 with Astro-Physics 110GTX 8 x 30 Second EAA

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)



Acquisition details



-110TCC reducer/flattener
-Otolong L-Pro filter
-ZWO EAF autofocus
-8 x 30 second live-stacked images 
-Images corrected for flat, dark, bias
-No post-processing
-ZWO ASI6200 uncooled, binned 2x2
-Rainbow Astro-135e on an Artcise 90C Ultra carbon fiber tripod (successor to Innorel 90C), polar aligned to less than 1 arcminute, then unguided. No counterweight.



M51 with Astro-Physics 110GTX 8 x 30 Second EAA, RobWashDCAstro