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Western Veil Pickerings Starless, Terry Hancock

Western Veil Pickerings Starless

Western Veil Pickerings Starless, Terry Hancock

Western Veil Pickerings Starless


I am without my CGE PRO mount for the next couple of weeks at it's being worked on by Aeroquest, I havent really had time to suffer from imaging withdrawals but I tried using Astro Anarchy's starless tools for photoshop. and this is the result. There are just so many stars in the original image I found it difficult to remove them, I also tried to smoothen the background afterwards, the image is very noisy but has revealed a ton of otherwise hidden data and nebulae.

I wasnt even going to bother posting this as I am probably too critical for my own good. A very good friend of mine decided it was good enough to have it framed and hang it on his doctor's wall so I changed my mind, interested in anyone's thoughts.

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Western Veil Pickerings Starless, Terry Hancock