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Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration, Jon Rista

Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration



Acquisition details



Horse Head and Flame Nebulas. This is my first true integration of a DSO. I'd tried on prior occasions this month (Feb 2014) after getting my Orion Atlas mount, only to be thwarted by cloud cover. Tonight was the first totally clear night, allowing me to get a solid hour and a half of exposure time on this region of Orion.

I'd have preferred more exposure time, about 3-4x more exposure time to be exact, however my yard does not provide the broadest window of opportunity. For a mere 90 minutes of exposure, I'm pretty satisfied with the result.

Integration of 30x180s @ ISO 400, Canon 7D + EF 600mm f/4 L II. Stacked in DSS, processed in Photoshop CC (initial stretch in 32-bit TIFF, additional processing in 16-bit TIFF.)



  • Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration, Jon Rista
  • Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration, Jon Rista
  • Final
    Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration, Jon Rista


Horse Head and Flame Nebulas - First Full Integration, Jon Rista

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