M51 - Whirpool Galaxy from my light poluted garden - first automated and longer running guided exposure, Stefan Emsel

M51 - Whirpool Galaxy from my light poluted garden - first automated and longer running guided exposure

M51 - Whirpool Galaxy from my light poluted garden - first automated and longer running guided exposure, Stefan Emsel

M51 - Whirpool Galaxy from my light poluted garden - first automated and longer running guided exposure



Acquisition details



This picture of Messier 51 was my first run of an automated exposure. I had to throw away about half of the light frames in the end, due to the changing weather, loss of guiding or just bad image quality. I am still figuring out how to do a better image processing of the raw material. The unfiltered and auto-stacked and -adjusted pictures often show much more details in some areas then my aproaches - but also more errors and artefacts.



M51 - Whirpool Galaxy from my light poluted garden - first automated and longer running guided exposure, Stefan Emsel