Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  15 S Mon  ·  B37  ·  B38  ·  B39  ·  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  HD257240  ·  HD257301  ·  HD257344  ·  HD257367  ·  HD257393  ·  HD257479  ·  HD257505  ·  HD257506  ·  HD257539  ·  HD257540  ·  HD257574  ·  HD257575  ·  HD257619  ·  HD257620  ·  HD257621  ·  HD257660  ·  HD257661  ·  HD257696  ·  HD257733  ·  HD257802  ·  HD257803  ·  HD257804  ·  HD257805  ·  HD257806  ·  HD257828  ·  And 564 more.
Conus Nebula Region with Esprit 100/550, tommy_nawratil
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Conus Nebula Region with Esprit 100/550

Conus Nebula Region with Esprit 100/550, tommy_nawratil
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Conus Nebula Region with Esprit 100/550



Acquisition details



when processing the widefield from Mexico, I thought this region must be nice with 400mm - and so I did :-)

The sky near Vienna is just not the same, I had to refine the picture extensively. Here is one of the raw's out of the camera:


Later I saw the fine tuning was not ok, I had to crop the right edge a little.

The Eos6d was set to Iso800.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Conus Nebula Region with Esprit 100/550, tommy_nawratil