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The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 RGB + H-Alpha, Terry Hancock

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 RGB + H-Alpha

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 RGB + H-Alpha, Terry Hancock

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 RGB + H-Alpha


NGC 6888 shown here in RGB plus H-Alpha all un binned. Shot from my backyard in Fremont MI, over 5 nights at 2800mm (native focal length of the AT12RC) using the QHY9M Monochrome CCD.

Total Exposure time 18.6 hours

Thanks for looking and commenting.

All the Best & Clear Skies


Down Under Observatory

Image Information

Location: DownUnder Observatory, Fremont MI

Date of Shoot July 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 17th 2012


RGB 22x10 mins, 4x15 mins each un binned

H-Alpha 8x30 mins, 1x40 mins un binned

Camera: QHY9M monochrome CCD, cooled to -30C

StarlightXpress Color Filter Wheel

Scope: Astronomy Technologies Astro-Tech 12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien astrograph

Autoguided using StarlightXpress Lodestar autoguider, StarlightXpress Ultra Slim Off Axis guider

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount (with MKS 4000)

Image Aquisition software Maxim DL5

Stacking software CCDStack

Post Processed with Photoshop CS5

The Crescent Nebula, a very popular target for astrophotography is also known as NGC 6888 and Caldwell 27 and is often referred to as "The Brain" Nebula unofficially because of it's likeness to the human brain, seen here in H-Alpha it is surrounded by the very dusty region of hydrogen filiments.

In the constellation Cygnus about 5000 light years away it is classified as an emission nebula.



The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 RGB + H-Alpha, Terry Hancock