SN 2014as (PSN J14005449+4058596), Albert White

SN 2014as (PSN J14005449+4058596)



Acquisition details



Follow up image on Supernova PSN J14005449+4058596 discovered by Dave Grennan in Raheny a hour or two earlier. Dave was conducting his supernova hunt the other night and mentioned that he might have something interesting in a facebook post. After hearing what it was I rushed up to my observatory to try and get follow up images. I got the first image at 00:18 UT. Then followed a nervous hour or more waiting to see if the there would be a discovery announcement, but there wasn't so it looks like this will be Dave's 3rd supernova discovery! I can probably claim to be the second person on the planet to see it though Since then it's been confirmed as a broad spectrum Type1c supernova by an observatory in China who got a spectrum of the star. A Type 1c supernova is what you get when a massive star that has blown away all its outer hydrogen and helium gravitationally collapses in on itself as the nuclear fusion at the core has stopped. The resulting explosion can easily outshine other stars in the galaxy. Galaxies are estimated to have one supernova on average every 50-100 years.



SN 2014as (PSN J14005449+4058596), Albert White